Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The law relating to organ transplantation Essay Example for Free

The law relating to organ transplantation Essay Organ transplants can vastly improve patients quality of life and benefit their families and society in general by restoring an ill and dependent individual to health. On cost benefit analysis transplants prove ultimately cheaper than long-term dialysis by i 191,000 per patient on average. However, there are fewer donors than there are needy patients although this should not be the case, because the percentage of willing donors lie in the 70s. Nonetheless, actual donations languish in the 20s. I argue that this is due to the misdirected and incoherent legal structure in place. I suggest that to increase the number of organs for transplantation a presumed consent system should be implemented to close the gap between willing and actual donations. In conjunction with improved coordination this will ameliorate the severe shortage. Such a system is ethically and morally justified. I consider other options under cadaveric donation such as increased investment in coordination without a change in the default position of deference to relatives (in the footsteps of Spain), as well as alternatives to cadaveric donation, such as live donations and xenotransplantation. They are however problematic both ethically and practically, such that even if the law formally and effectively ensures that all who need organs get them, it would be normatively wrong. 1 The law relating to organ transplantation The terms of the relevant law must be subject to critique, because ultimately healthcare workers must work within the existing common law and legislation, even as they seek to save patients from an avoidable early death. The definition of death is problematic. Today the concept of brain death has been adopted by most Western countries. Others suggest however that when the capacity for sentience is irrevocably absent, the minimum criteria for personhood no longer exists, despite the presence of a functioning brain stem. Perhaps it is best to admit that it is impossible to define the moment of death with any certainty or precision, and that the important task therefore is to determine at what point in the process of dying organ retrieval becomes legitimate. In the UK, s1(4) of the HTA61 specifies that the doctor be satisfied that life is extinct before organ retrieval may take place but there is no statutory definition of death, leaving that to a matter of clinical judgement. Standard practice is for two independent doctors to perform two sets of tests to determine brain stem death. The HTA61 outdated and prevents the facilitation of a successful programme. The current system tries to allow for all possible scenarios. S1(1) approximates an opt-in system, but there is no definition of who the person lawfully in possession of the body is, and a verbal intention is only legally valid when it is made in the course of the last illness. Further, according to HSC 1998/035, 8. 2, if a patient is a recorded willing donor, there is no legal requirement to establish a lack of objection on the part of relatives, but in practice it is good practice for any objectives raised by relatives to take priority over donors wishes. S1(2) approximates a weak opt-out scheme applying where the deceased has left no recorded expression of his or her wishes. The person lawfully in possession of the body is authorised to remove organs for transplantation if reasonable enquiry shows that the deceased did not object to organ removal or that the surviving spouse or any surviving relative has no objection to the use of the organs. Although it is fairly evident why spouses should be invited to express their views, this does not reflect the reality of the situation in which many adults now live cohabitees or long term partners now fulfil this role. The system is on aggregate incoherent and piecemeal, and when an organ is taken, no one knows for sure why is it because the medical team has requested, or is it because the medical team has procured it under s1(2) of the HTA61? McLean opines that the current legislation is more of a hindrance than an assistance to an effective transplantation programme. So, to increase the number of organs for transplantation a presumed consent system should be implemented in conjunction with improved coordination to ameliorate the severe shortage. Such a system is ethically and morally justified. 2 Dead Donors Presumed Consent Historically doctors were thought reluctant to ask families of the deceased about the possibility of donating their relatives organs. However, Gentleman et al. found that in fact request rates were reasonably high such that the belief that a failure to request is the cause for organs shortage is no longer sustainable. Rather, the problem with the opt-in system is its inability to enforce deceased individuals preferences because the family vetoes it, in part because they were never made known. For a grieving and bereft family, a request for organ donation is difficult to agree to because they can only guess at the wishes of the deceased and if there were any doubt at all, would not the natural answer be a rejection? If relatives had severe objections, they should be taken into account for to do otherwise raises the spectre of the swastika, but the point remains that by changing the default position of organ donation it is a veto clearly against the deceaseds wishes, which would be rather more unlikely to take place than the current veto due to a simple lack of information. It is not that the PC system is ethically unsound. I argue that presumed consent is superior to the opt-in system because it truly ensures autonomy by giving effect to choices each person makes. It gives legal effect to individual autonomy and it ensures truly informed consent when accompanied by public education and information, instead of intuitive responses to organ donation. Nonetheless, some problems with presumed consent have been pointed out. Patient autonomy lies at the very heart of modern medicine and medical research . This is partly a reaction against medical paternalism and an increasing awareness of the integrity of the individual. It may be argued that a presumed consent (PC) system is paternalistic but it concomitantly reinforces individual autonomy and preserves the dignity and integrity of the individual especially in comparison to, for example, an organs market. McLean points out that underpinning the UK system of organ donation is the fundamental view that organ transplantation should be a gift relationship. So Sir Morris doubts that proposals to change legislation to allow presumed consent to be introduced are likely to be publicly accepted. However, why is presumed consent any less a gift? It does not mean widespread harvesting of cadaveric organs. It means greater public awareness and individual choice that is made concrete. More practical considerations also exist. First, the need for sophisticated infrastructure to maintain an opting-out register. But this is a problem of the past century. Today, only Internet access and a computer is necessary. It is no more difficult than maintaining a register for opting-in patients. If the number of donors truly reflects the number that are willing at 70% then it is in fact more efficient to keep a shorter list of those who do not wish to donate, which would constitute only 30% of the population. Secondly, there is a fear of adverse publicity if organs are taken in the face of relatives objections but as argued above, these could be taken into account, and public education moral suasion could persuade the public of the logic of a need for such a system, to cause a change in social values. For example, when the presumed consent system was implemented in Singapore, statistics showed that more people came forward as donors under a separate legal scheme as a result of heightened public awareness of great need. Even the family was more likely to agree to organ harvesting the Muslim cadaver belongs to her family, so despite the exemption of Muslims from the presumed consent system, Muslim donations rose as well. Due to the widespread awareness of the merits of organ donation with public education and the support of religious leaders with clear moral grounds for the scheme, social values developed to embrace this medical system. Third, one might ask if resources could be better employed than on the maintenance of such a system but if it solves the problem of organ shortage and alleviates medical conditions at the knife-edge between life and death, it is a small price to pay in terms of opportunity cost. Alternatives to Presumed Consent Required request of families bypasses individual autonomy. It is precisely the problem with the current system. Financial and medical priority incentives a survey of the systems currently in place reveals that compensation is illegal. Blumstein says that in the US, families are offended when financial incentives are offered when they consent to their deceased relatives organs being donated. Nonetheless, the American Medical Association (AMA) has voted to encourage studies to determine whether financial incentives could increase the pool of cadaveric organ donors. Among strategies considered are small payments to deflect the funeral cost of a relative and preferential consideration for organ donation when a member of someones family has donated an organ. This prioritisation is manifestly unethical it may be pragmatic but why should donation work on this basis? Should it not work on a basis of response to medical need, instead of allowing queue jumping by people who volunteer someone elses organs? Financial incentives could increase the pool of cadaveric organs, but there are other methods to consider namely my proposal of presumed consent which are far more egalitarian and prima facie altruistic so far as cadeveric donations are concerned. Relaxed restrictions amounts to mere tweaking of the existing system which does not address ethical problems with the current system, such as the undermining of individual autonomy. If the list of criteria for the exclusion of donors is made less stringent, to allow a greater pool of potential donors, the final filtrate of donors will still be paltry in comparison with a comprehensive overhaul of the current system. Improved coordination take for example Spains system based on familial consent. The lessons learnt are that a decentralised system appears most effective, comprising 1) local organisations that focus mainly on organ procurement and promotion of donation and 2) large structures that focus on promoting organ sharing and co-operation. This simply means more investment is needed. The real issue remains this: if the main reason forwarded for not having the opt-out system diminished personal freedom is the same reason for why the Spanish coordination system works, should we not be wary, even if the numbers crunch delectably? Coupled with the PC system however this would greatly increase the effectiveness of the organ transplantation system and protect autonomy too. Elective Ventilation of deep coma patients close to death with no possibility of recovery for a few hours to preserve their organs long enough to prepare for their removal after death. A trial held in Exeter in 1988 led to a 50% increase in the number of organs suitable for transplantation, but was halted in 1994 when the Department of Health declared in unlawful, because it was not in the patients best interests but whilst of no direct benefit to the patient, it is not contrary to the patients interests and has the potential to benefit others. Nonetheless, this would still be subject to relatives vetoes without a systemic revamp.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Resturant Law Essay -- essays research papers

In the business world every business has its own set of laws and regulations to follow and adhere too. Some have very few laws and others have so many it is mind numbing but, each law is set up to protect every worker, customer or person associated with that business’s location. However, some of these laws are outdated or just plain unnecessary in today’s 21st century business environment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The business that I chose to examine is the restaurant industry. I chose it because I have a great love for cooking and I hope to someday open my own restaurant. It made great sense to learn some of the laws now while still in school that could impact my future business endeavors. First I will review the laws and regulations pertinent to the restaurant business and then I will explain the impact of those laws on the restaurant business.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first laws that I found were the laws from OSHA. OSHA contains many laws that are designed to create a safe workplace and keep workers out of situations that can be potentially harmful. Without OSHA many workplaces would be a lot more unsafe than they are now. OSHA reduced the number of work place injuries and deaths, making it one of the most important sets of laws to govern all business and especially the restaurant business.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  OSHA calls for two different types of fire prevention equipment to be placed in all restaurants. First it calls for automatic sprinklers to be installed per OSHA standards. These standards are that they have a certain spraying pattern, densities, water flow that can cover the whole area that it is above. After meeting those specs the business then has to get the system to meet water supply standards. Basically the standard is that the system has a water supply that can flow for thirty minutes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next statute that must be met is the piping needs to be protected from freezing and corrosion from the surrounding environment. This assures that if a fire occurs the piping will be able to take the water pressure that is flowing through to the sprinkler system. Also it calls for the system to have a proper drainage system that allows the system to drop the water from the sprinkler system and then have it drain back into a reservoir. The final statute from OSHA 1910.159 is that the sprinklers be space... ...and not even paid in a way that allows them to live in a normal way.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is only one change that I feel the Department of Labor should enact. That is a raise in the minimum wage. Many friends I have work so hard for their $5.25 and never really have much to show for it. If the minimum wage was raised many people who are working two part time jobs to make ends meet would have a better chance of making those ends meet. Not to mention raising minimum wage could spur the economy by placing more spending power into the hands of the demographics that tend to spend the most, the youth of America.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this country we have seen the world of business change over and over. As the country has grown so has the need to keep our workers safe and happy. The laws I have discussed are meant to keep the restaurant industry a safe and happy place for the many people who work in them day in and day out. Without those laws the restaurant industry would not be a very healthy or safe place to frequent as much as American people do. So each of the laws are essential to making the industry profitable and safe.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Monday, January 13, 2020

7 Correctional Models

[pic] SUBJECT SYLLABUS Prepared by: Bonifacio A. de Lara, Jr. SUBJECT CODE:Computer 1/10 COLLEGE OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY Diploma in Midwifery COLLEGE OF ARTS SCIENCES AND SOCIAL WORKS Bachelor of Arts and BSSW COLLEGE TEACHER EDUCATION BSE and BEEd COLLEGE OF BUSINESS EDUCATION BSTHRT, ATHRT, BSBA, 2 Year Certificate in Computer Secretarial and BSOA COLLEGE OF THEOLOGY ABTheo, BPTheo and BRE-ECE SUBJECT TITLE:Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Concepts UNITS:3 Units PRE-REQUISITE:None TYPE OF SUBJECT:Minor FACULTY:Bonifacio A. de Lara, Jr. TERMS:First Semester / Second SemesterROOMS:EZE 201/ST 104 SUBJECT DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to teach the students the basics of computer education. It was designed in a manner that will allow the students to acquire a ladder-type education in information technology. SUBJECT PURPOSE OVERVIEW: Computer 10 is a course that enables students to familiarize themselves with the use of basic operations of a computer such as opera ting system, windows applications such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint with version 2003, respectively. STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: 1. Class Standing (CS) 2/3 of the TERM GRADE Attendance – students should not incur absences of more than 20% of the required attendance. Each absence would mean reduction of attendance rate by one step. †¢ Quizzes – there must be at least two quizzes per term period. Each quiz should contain ten to fifteen questions. †¢ Unit Test – there must be at least one unit test per term period. Each unit test should contain 20 to 30 points / question. †¢ Assignments – assignments should be given to students to further broaden their horizon on the subject matter. This must be given equivalent rating for purpose s of computing the term grade. Graded Recitation – this should be given once every term grade. †¢ Other Factors – other factors which should be determin ed at the start of classes may be included depending upon the nature of the course, like projects, term papers, research works, workbooks, etc. For the above purpose, each factor or item should be assigned a corresponding percentage. The total weight of the Class Standing is equal to 2/3 of the total term grade. 2. Term Test (1/3) †¢ Prelim Test (PT) †¢ Midterm Test (MT) †¢ Final Test (FT) In determining the term grade, the Term Test is equal to 1/3 of the Class Standing in each term period. 3.Formula in Computing the Term Grade †¢ PG = [(CS X 2) + PT] / 3 †¢ MG = {[(CS X 2) + MT] / 3} 2 + PG 3 †¢ FG = {[CS X 2) + FT] / 3}2 + MG 3 NCC THEME The Administration, Faculty, Staff and Students of Northern Christian College N – Nurtured in Christ C – Centered in Christ C – Committed in Christ NCC CREDO Northern Christian College seeks a life of faith, learning and action that will develop the person into becoming intellectually competent a nd honest, morally and ethically sensitive, and creatively aware and responsive to the needs, aspirations and realization of Just, Free and Responsible Christian social order. NCC MISSIONThe Mission of Northern Christian College is the training of the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical faculties of the youth of the Philippines with special emphasis upon the development of Christian character as exemplified by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. NCC VISION A just free and responsible community made up of people who are intellectually competent and honest and morally and ethically sensitive to the needs and aspiration of the society I. SOFTWARE – set of instructions written in a code / programs Computers do something you probably wish people did: they do exactly what you tell them to do.They follow instructions. In fact, the only thing they do is follow instructions. Without instructions, they just sit there, as useless as that proverbial bump on a log. A list of i nstructions that tells a computer what to do is called PROGRAM or SOFTWARE. TYPES OF SOFTWARE I. SYSTEM SOFTWARE – designed to allow the computer to manage its own resources and run basic operations. A. OPERATING SYSTEM -is a collection of programs that oversees all computer operations. Examples: 1. DOS 5. 0/DOS 6. 0 [pic] 2. Linux [pic] 3. Unix [pic] 4. Windows 3. 00, 3. , 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8 [pic] B. PRORAGRAMMING LANGUAGES Levels of Languages: a. Machine Lang – represents data 1’s & 0’s (Binary Nos. ) b. Assembly Lang. – low – level (Uses Mnemonic Codes) [pic] c. High – Level Lang. – Procedural [pic] d. Very High – Level Lang. – OOP or 4GL’s [pic] e. Natural Lang. [pic] II. APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE – designed and written to perform a particular kind of work/task; allows to increase productivity and creativity A. WORD PROCESSING – is an application program designed for manipulatin g text; used for writing, editing and rewriting.Examples: 1. Wordstar 2. MS-Word 3. Pagemaker 4. WordPerfect [pic][pic][pic] B. SPREADSHEET – Is a microcomputer program that provides increased calculation accuracy, easy updating, and the ability to recalculate column and row totals quickly under different sets of assumption. Examples: 1. Lotus 123 2. MS-Excel 3. Quattro Pro [pic][pic][pic] C. DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – A software used to organize, analyze, search for update, and retrieve data. Purpose: Is to organize collections of data. Examples: 1. Dbase Plus 2. Foxbase 3. Access 4. Visual BasicAny collection of data can be made easier to maintain and much more accessible: membership files, checking accounts, restaurant reservations mailing lists, employee records. [pic][pic][pic][pic] D. GRAPHICS PROGRAMS – software that lets you create pictures 1. Paint Programs- used to create bit-mapped images. Examples: Paint, Adobe Photoshop 2. Draw Programs – c reate object-oriented images. Tools to draw lines, rectangles, circles and ovals. 3. Presentation Programs is designed to further assist the user in creating and generating professional looking such as slides, visuals effects and sounds. the most meaningful of this program is its multimedia Presentations can be supplied movies, music and animation. Examples: CorelDraw Presentation, PowerPoint, 4. Computer-Assisted Design (CAD) – used to produce three-dimensional images composed of circles, arcs, and straight lines. – it create any object, whether it’s a house, ship engine, bottle, or sneaker. Examples: AutoCAD E. DESKTOP PUBLISHING – Is designed to create publishing programs such as newsletters, brochures, cards, forms and business memos. Examples: Print Artist, Publisher, CorelDraw, Newsmaster, Photoshop, F.EDUCATION AND TRAINING – Is designed primarily for academic and training. TYPES OF EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE: 1. Tutorials – programs use st ep-by-step instructions to teach facts, skills, and concepts. Tutorials are rather like textbooks, except that they are interactive. Example: How to operate a piece of equipment, use punctuation, read music, play the guitar and program computer. 2. Drill and practice – programs are used to reinforce skills in subjects such as arithmetic, spelling, speed reading, foreign languages, and typing. 3. Simulations – programs imitate real events. It reinforce facts and concepts. How do you pilot a plane? -What decisions need to be made to improve your candidate's chances of election? -What challenges would you as head, and how would you handle those challenges? G. GENERAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS – Software that help people run their businesses. Example: 1. If you’re thinking of launching a new product or business, there are programs designed to help you develop and implement a business plan. 2. If you don’t have an employee manual, there are programs that contai n dozens of company policy statements, which you can use verbatim or edit to meet your specific needs. Examples of GBPs 1.Accounting software – record financial transactions, prepares invoices, calculates each employee’s taxes and other deductions. 2. Project Management Software – helps managers plan and keep track of the tasks resources, time schedules, and cost of project. 3. Statistical Packages – are powerful tools that use a variety of calculations to analyze large sets of data. 4. Decision Support Tools – designed to help define the important criteria involved in making a particular decision. -Assigning a numerical value, or weight, to each criterion. Then you score each of your options to see which ranks highest. H.SELF-IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM – These are computer programs for almost personal interest or activity. This small sampling gives you a sense of the scope of what’s available: 1. Garden planners – help you choose pla ns best suited for your geographical area, lay out your garden, and determine optimal planting and harvesting dates. 2. Geneology program – help you organize information about your ancestors and create family trees. 3. Home inventory programs – for people who have everything, or at least want to protect everything they have against financial loss in case of fire, theft, or natural disaster. . Wedding planners – help people prepare guest lists, schedule events, choose honeymoon destinations, and keep tract of estimated and actual expenses. HEALTH AND FITNESS 1. Medical programs – provide information on diseases, injuries, medical tests, immunizations, nutrition, dieting, and fitness, and make diagnoses based on an analysis of your symptoms. 2. Biofeedback programs – designed to teach you how to handle stress, how to relax, even how to control blood pressure and heart rate. MONEY MATTERS 1.Money managers– organized your bills, write checks, re concile accounts, track insurance policies, set up stock and bond portfolio rate. 2. Tax programs– guide you through tax preparation, from compiling the necessary data to printing out tax forms for federal and state income taxes.. I. ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM – Designed for enjoyment. GAME SOFTWARE 1. Arcades – Games that let you shoot at aliens or some other targets and try to pile up ever-higher scores. 2. Fantasy role-playing games – Text-based stories in which you constantly have to make decisions: Which path should I follow?Are these people to be trusted? What’s the meaning of riddle? Is this safe drink? 3. Games of chance and skill – Electronic versions of card games such as bridge and poker, board games such as Monopoly and Scrabble, and TV shows such as Jeopardy, and Wheel of Fortune. 4. Simulations – games that use graphics and sound effects to imitate real-life situations, giving you the chance to live vicariously as you pilot a jet fighter, drive a Formula One car, play pool. J. UTILITY PROGRAMS – Designed to perform certain housekeeping and maintenance tasks.They improve your efficiency of your computer system, protect the system against various disasters. *Most utilities are memory-resident program. They remain in the computer’s memory at all times. You can access them instantly, even when you’re in the middle of an application. *Many utilities are packaged with operating systems and application programs. Example: -utilities include with MS-DOS can display a list of files stored on a disk, copy files. -Erase unwanted files on a disk. -Spell checkers and thesauruses included in the word processing packages also can be a thought of as utilities.ADDITIONAL UTILITIES THAT ARE SOLD SEPARATELY, useful utilities include: 1. File recovery program – used to recover files that are mistakenly erased from a floppy or hard disk. 2. Compressors –used to compress data, giving extra s pace to fit more files into a hard or floppy disk. 3. Macro makers –performing the same sequence of commands over and over is time-consuming. 4. Printer utilities –programs enhance printer operations by allowing to schedule print times, drive multiple printers simultaneously, print spreadsheets sideways. 5. Screen Savers–designed to unburned images into the screen. 6.Anti-virus – protect computers and computer networks against programs called Virus. K. MULTIMEDIA – Designed to perform editing, recording/ rewriting, designing movies and other media related. You can listen music and watch movies. Text and graphics can be enhanced to with audio, video, and animation by using the techniques of multimedia production. VISUAL DATA †¢ Data used in presentation or free-drawing graphics package is already digitized for storage and processing by a computer. A toolbox in multimedia software allows a developer at the video firm to examine and edit, frame b y frame, a video.L. COMMUNICATION SOFTWARE – allow a PC equipped w/ a modem to connect w/ other PC through phone lines to exchange information. IX. MICROSOFT OFFICE EXCEL [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] A. WHAT IS A M. S. EXCEL-Experimenting in a Cell ? Developed by Microsoft Corporation ? An electronic spreadsheet used to manipulate numerical data with formulas and built-in functions ? Consist of 65,536 rows 256 columns ? An Excel file is a workbook B. FEATURES 1. The keyboard is used for data entry. 2. Performs various mathematical operation. 3. Worksheets can be saved and retrieved for further editing. . Automatic calculations. 5. Supports database, graphics, embedding objects and presentations. 6. Cross-referencing of multiple sheets. 7. Creating multiple charts. 8. Multiple levels of Undo C. WHY DO WE USE EXCEL 1. It helps the data to be manipulated repeatedly 2. Facilitates changes made to the figures 3. Auto computation of correction 4. Data are enhanced by its various graphic al presentation 5. It is a user friendly program 6. Avoid repetition of work 7. Saves storage space [pic][pic][pic][pic] D. USES OF EXCEL 1. Preparation of Financial Reports . Sales and Costs Analysis 3. Stock and Inventory Control 4. Effective in Sales Forecasting 5. for Budgeting E. PERFORMING CALCULATION Formulas – procedures used to solve a specific mathematical problem Arithmetic operators – mathematical symbols used in formulas; identify the process or action to be taken in order to solve the problem Operand ExampleOperatorsSymbols Constant value 2Addition + Cell reference A1Subtraction – Range reference A1:B2Multiplication * Label Jan SalesDivision / Range name RevenuePercent % Function Sum(A1:B4)Exponential ^Syntax – format understood by a program in order to properly execute and implement a process * Microsoft Excel syntax, includes an equal sign (=) followed by the operands and the operators like Examples:= 2 + 3 = A1 – B6 =3 * A5 =Sales / Months =5 ^ 4 [pic][pic][pic][pic] Operator precedence Operator Description : (colon) (single space)Reference Operators , (comma) – Negation (as in –1) % Percent ^ Exponentiation * and / Multiplication and division + and – Addition and subtraction & Connects two strings of text (concatenation) = ; ; = Comparison Relative References when a formula is created, references to cells or ranges are usually based on their position relative to the cell that contains the formula; when you copy the formula, Excel will automatically paste the adjusted references in the destination cells relative to the position of the formula Absolute References †¢ used when you do not want to adjust the references in formula when copying Functions †¢ predefined formulas that perform calculations by using specific values called arguments, in a particular order or structure †¢ arguments can be constants, formulas or functions Other commonly used functions are shown in the fo llowing table. Function Name Description Result MAX()Find the largest number from the arguments =MAX(20,25,15)Result: 25 MIN() Find the smallest number from the arguments=MIN(20,25,15) Result: 15 AVERAGE() Find the average for the arguments =AVERAGE(20,25,15) Result: 20 COUNT() Counts number of cells that contains=COUNT(1,4,B,3,20) number from the argumentsResult: 4 COUNTA() Counts number of cells that are not=COUNTA(1,4,B,3,20) empty from the argumentsResult: 5 *Some functions do not need an argument in the parenthesis.Function NameDescription Result Today() Returns current date =Today()Result: 9/4/03 Now() Returns current date and time =Now()Result: 9/4/03 12:20 ADVANCED FORMULAS Using Logical Functions †¢ help you compare the values or expression hat Excel can evaluate as TRUE or FALSE. Excel then uses the results to perform actions or return the answers you are looking for. A. IF Function Syntax:=IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false) Logical Test – used to co mpare the values/expressions that can be evaluated as TRUE or FALSE; â€Å" † – used for text returnsValue_if_true = value that is returned if the logical test is true; return the word TRUE if leave blank Value_if_false = value that is returned if the logical test is false; return the word FALSE if leave blank B. NESTED IF Function – used if there are few conditions and few return values C. OR Function †¢ to evaluate if ANY of the arguments (logical test) is TRUE †¢ up to 30 arguments can be used; as long as one of the †¢ as long as one of the arguments is true, it will return a TRUE Syntax:=OR(logical_test1,logical_test2,†¦.. ) Example ReturnOR(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE) TRUE OR(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE) TRUE OR(FALSE,TRUE,FALSE) TRUE OR(FALSE,FALSE,FALSE) FALSE D. AND Function †¢ to evaluate if ALL of the arguments (logical test) is TRUE †¢ up to 30 arguments can be used; as long as one of the †¢ as long as one of the arguments is false, it will return a FALSE Syntax:=AND(logical_test1,logical_test2,†¦.. ) Example Return AND(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE) TRUE AND(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE) FALSE AND(FALSE,TRUE,FALSE) FALSE AND(FALSE,FALSE,FALSE) FALSE E. COUNT IF Function †¢ Counts the number of cells within the range that meets the riteria †¢ Range – cells that you want to compare with criteria †¢ Criteria – condition in a form of text, number or expression that defines which cells will be counted Syntax: =COUNT IF(range, criteria) G. PARTS OF MS EXCEL [pic] 1. Title Bar – Displays the program name and the workbook name you are working on. 2. Menu Bar – Displays and access the drop-down menus that contain the Excel command options. 3. Standard Toolbar – Contains a number of buttons, which you click using the mouse, to carry out some of the more commonly used command options. 4.Formatting Toolbar – Contains a number of buttons that help you change the format or appearance of text, such as bold and underlined. 5. Name Box – Shows the selected cell, drawing object or chart item. You can also name a selected cell / range or move to the selected cell / range. 6. Formula Bar – Displays the content (value or formula) of the active cell. You can also edit the formula using the formula bar. 7. Active Cell – The selected cell in which data is entered when you begin typing. Only one cell is active at a time. The active cell is bounded by a heavy border. 8.Column Heading – Shows the column reference letter. 9. Row Heading – Shows the row reference number. 10. Sheet Tab – Shows the sheet name. 11. Horizontal Scroll Bar or Vertical Scroll Bar –Help you to scroll through your worksheet using the mouse. 12. Status Bar – Displays information about a selected command or an operation in progress. The right side of the status bar shows whether the keys (CAPS LOCK, SCROLL LOCK, or NUM LOCK) are turned on. 13. Task Pane – Display useful common tasks such as creating and opening a workbook. There are task panes with different contents that help you do your work.The contents of the task pane is context-sensitive, depending on what task you are performing. H. KEYBOARD PRESS Press Move to: > One cell to the right One cell to the left v One cell to the down ^ One cell to the up + > Last cell to the right of the current region + First cell to the left of the current region + v Last cell to the bottom of the current region + ^ First cell to the top of the current region First cell in the row + First cell in the worksheet + Last cell in the worksheet which contains data Page Down One screen down Page Up One screen up + Page Down One screen right Page Up One screen up I. CREATING VARIOUS CHART TYPES Chart ? graphic representation of worksheet data that interprets information, analyzes and compares data clearly ? can be formatted by adding a legend, chart title, adding pictures, markers or make an embedded ch art ? visually appealing and make it easy for users to see comparisons, patterns, and trends in data Chart Wizard ? a series of dialog boxes that lead you through all the steps necessary to create an effective chart 1. How to Create a Chart ? Using Chart Wizard ? Using Chart toolbar 2.Create a Chart Using the ChartWizard ? Choose the data range you want to chart. ? Be sure to include the data you want to chart, the column and row labels in the range. ? Click the ChartWizard form the Toolbar. ? Select Chart Type. ? Choose the Chart sub-type. ? Click Press and Hold the view sample button to preview the selection. ? Choose Next. Make sure the correct data range is selected. ? Select the appropriate Chart option button to plot data series in row or in columns. ? Choose Next. ? Select the Chart Location you want to place the chart on a new sheet or on an existing sheet. If you choose to place the chart on existing sheet rather than on a new sheet, the chart is called Embedded Objects. ? Click Finish. 3. Enhancing a Chart ? You may choose the Format menu and click Select e. g. Select Chart Title or double-click a particular object. ? Chart Toolbar Icons: †¢ Chart Object – Indicates the name of the selected object †¢ Format – The properties of the object †¢ Legend – To turn ON/OFF the legend †¢ Data Table – To turn ON/Off the display of the data †¢ By row – Selects data series in a row †¢ By Column – Selects data series in a column †¢ Angle Text – Text Alignment . Adding a Title ? Choose a chart to which you want to add a title to. ? Click the Chart menu, and then click Chart options. ? Choose Titles. ? Type the text you want for the title of chart. ? To add a title to the x-axis press Tab and Text. ? If you want a second line for the x or y-axis, press Tab to move to the second category or Value box, and then type the title text. ? Preview the Title(s) you add. 5. Adding or Deleting a Legend ? Choose the chart you want to add or delete a legend. ? Click the Legend from the Chart toolbar, and drag the legend to move it to its new location. . Adding a Text Box ? Click the Arrow icon. ? Move the mouse to the location where you want the arrow to be placed. ? Click and drag to the new position, then release the mouse. 7. Adding a Pattern and Border to the Text ? Double-click the text you want to format, or select the text, then choose the Format menu, and select the Patterns. ? Choose the Border style you want from the options on the left side of the dialog box. ? Press Enter. 8. Select a Different Chart Type ? For most 2-D charts, you can change the chart type of either a data series or entire charts. For the bubble charts, you can only change the type of the entire chart. ? For 3-D charts, changing the chart type affects the entire chart. ? For 3-D bar and column charts, you can change a data series to the cone, cylinder, or pyramid type. 9. Changing the Chart Typ e ? To change the chart type, perform any of the following: †¢ For the entire chart, click Chart. †¢ For the data series, click the Data Series. ? On the Chart menu, click Chart Type. ? On the Standard Types tab, click the Chart type you want. If you are hanging the chart type for one-data series and not the entire chart, be sure the Apply to Selection check box is selected. †¢ To apply the cone, cylinder, or pyramid chart type to a 3-D bar or column data series, click Cylinder, Cone or Pyramid in the Chart Type box on the Standard types tab, and then select the Apply to Selection check box. 10. Rotate Chart Title Text or Axis Text ? Click the title or the axis you want to format. ? If you clicked a chart title, click Selected Chart Title on the Format menu. †¢ If you clicked an axis title, click Selected Axis or Selected Axis Title ion the Format menu. Check the Alignment tab. †¢ If you don’t see the Alignment tab, click Cancel, click Outside of the text you want to format and then repeat the procedure. ? To rotate text, under Orientation, click a degree point, or drag the indication to the position you want. ? Note: When you have more than on level or category axis labels, only the first level can be rotated. 11. Select Chart Items ? Click the Chart item you want. †¢ The data series, data labels, and the legend have individual elements that can be selected after you select the group. 12. Changing the View of a 3-D Chart ? Click the 3-D chart you want to change. Select the options you want. When the Right Angle Axis check box is cleared, you can set the Perspective and Height options. †¢ When the Right Angle Axis check box is selected, you can either set the Height option or turn the Auto Scaling option on. 13. Changing the Rotation and Elevation in a 3-D Chart ? Using the menus: †¢ Click the 3- Chart you want to change. †¢ On the Chart menu, click 3-D View. †¢ Select the options you want. ? Using the m ouse: †¢ Click the intersection of any two axes to select the corners of the chart. †¢ Drag a corner to adjust the elevation and rotation in the chart. 14.Changing Number Formats in Charts ? If you change the number formatting in a chart, the number formatting is no longer linked to the worksheet cells. †¢ To format labels along an axis, double-click the appropriate axis. To format the data labels or a trend line label, double-click the item. †¢ On the number tab, select the options you want. 15. Printing a Chart ? Select the File menu, and choose the Page Setup command. ? Click the Page Setup button if you made some changes in the settings. ? Click the File menu, and choose the Page Setup command. ? Select the chart size button for the option you want. Press Enter. ? Choose the File Print Preview command if you want to view the chart in the Preview mode before it is printed. ? Click the File menu, and click the Print command. The Print Dialog Box appears on the screen. ? Click Enter. 16. Printing an Embedded Chart Embedded Chart ? chart that is placed on a worksheet rather than on a separate chart sheet; useful when you want to view or print a chart on a PivotChart Report with its source data or information in a worksheet; you can adjust where the chart will print on the page by sizing and moving the chart with the mouse in page Break View ?Click the worksheet outside the Chart area. ? Click Page Break Preview in the View menu. 17. Printing a Chart Sheet ? Click the tab from the Chart Sheet. ? Click Page Setup on the File menu. ? Select the options you want on the Chart tab. J. SAVING AN EXCEL 1. From the menu, click File ;; Save As. The Save As dialog box appears. [pic] 2. In the File name box, type Excel Training. Excel has already entered a placeholder name in the File name box before you type your own file name. Since the name is highlighted. You just need to type in the new file name to overwrite it without having to click in the box. pic] 3. Click the Save button. The file is saved in the default folder My Documents folder. K. Formatting Cell Using Menu Options You can format the cell using Format Cells dialog box from the menu. From the menu, click Format ;; Cells, the Format Cells dialog box appears as shown below. [pic] Tab Description Number Specify the format style of the context in a cell. Alignment Specify text alignment, text control and text orientation. Font Specify font, font style, font size, font color, font effect and underline. Border Specify border color and line style.Patterns Specify the cell pattern and color. Protection Protect the cell to be locked to avoid changes and formula to be hidden from viewer. L. TOOLBARS 1. The Standard toolbar [pic] This entire toolbar could become a floating window by double-clicking on the control bar at the far left end of this toolbar. That gives the following window, which can be placed anywhere on the screen: [pic] This toolbar can be restored to its origin al position by clicking in the gray bar at the top and dragging it back to the top of the screen. Push the top of the window up to the bottom of the menu bar. Function of commonly used buttons | |[pic] |Creates a new blank document based on the default template |[pic] |Opens or finds a file | |[pic] |Saves the active file with its current file name, location and file format |[pic] |Prints the active file – for more print options go to the File menu and select Print| |[pic] |Print preview – Shows how the document will look when you print it. [pic] |Spelling, grammar and writing style checker | |[pic] |Cut – Removes the selection from the document and places it on the clipboard |[pic] |Copy – Copies the selected item(s) to the clipboard | |[pic] |Paste – Places the content of the clipboard at the insertion point |[pic] |Format painter – Copies the format from a selected object or text and applies to | | | | |other objects or text | |[pic] | Undo – Reverses the last command, use pull-down menu to undo several steps |[pic] |Redo – Reverses the action of the Undo button, use the pull-down menu to redo | | | | |several steps | |[pic] |Auto Sum – Adds numbers automatically, and suggests the range of numbers to be added|[pic] |Sort Ascending – Sorts selected items from the beginning of the alphabet, the lowest| | | |number or the earliest date | |[pic] |Sort Descending – Sorts selected items from the end of the alphabet, the highest |[pic] |Chart Wizard – Guides you through the steps for creating an embedded chart (graph) | | |number or the latest date | | | |[pic] |Displays or hides the Drawing toolbar |[pic] |Zoom – Enlarge or reduce the display of the active document | 2. The Formatting toolbar [pic] This entire toolbar could become a floating window by double-clicking on the control bar at the far left end of this toolbar. That gives the following window, which can be pla ced anywhere on the screen: [pic] This toolbar can be restored to its original position by clicking in the gray bar at the top and dragging it back to the top of the screen. Push the top of the window up to the bottom of the menu bar. Function of commonly used buttons | |[pic] |Changes the font of the selected text |[pic] |Changes the size of selected text and numbers | |[pic] |Makes selected text and numbers bold |[pic] |Makes selected text and numbers italic | |[pic] |Underlines selected text and numbers |[pic] |Aligns to the left with a ragged right margin | |[pic] |Centers the selected text [pic] |Aligns to the right with a ragged left margin | |[pic] |Merge and Center – Merges two or more selected cells and centers the entry |[pic] |Currency Style – Formats selected text to display currency style | |[pic] |Percent Style – Formats selected cells to display percent |[pic] |Comma Style – Formats selected cells to display commas in large numbers | |[pic ] |Increase Decimal – Increases the number of decimals displayed after the decimal point|[pic] |Decrease Decimal – Decreases the number of decimals displayed after the | | | | |decimal point | |[pic] |Decreases the indent to the previous tab stop |[pic] |Indents the selected paragraph to the next tab stop | |[pic] |Adds or removes a border around selected text or objects |[pic] |Marks text so that it is highlighted and stands out | |[pic] |Formats the selected text with the color you click | | | 3. The Drawing toolbar [pic] This entire toolbar could become a floating window by double-clicking on the control bar at the far left end of this toolbar. That gives the following window, which can be placed anywhere on the screen: [pic] This toolbar can be restored to its original position by clicking in the gray bar at the top and dragging it back to the top of the screen. Push the top of the window up to the bottom of the menu bar. |Function of commonly used buttons | |[p ic] |A pull own menu with several |[pic] |Changes the pointer to a selection arrow | | |drawing options | | | |[pic] |Rotates the selected object to any degree |[pic] |A pull down menu with several libraries of shapes | |[pic] |Draws a line where you click and drag. Hold the Shift key down to make the|[pic] |Inserts a line with an arrowhead where you click and drag | | |line straight | | | |[pic] |Draws a rectangle where you click and drag. Hold down Shift to draw a |[pic] |Draws an oval where you click and drag.Hold down Shift to draw a circle | | |square | | | |[pic] |Draws a text box where you click and drag |[pic] |Create text effects with Word Art | |[pic] |Add, modify, or remove fill color from a selected object |[pic] |Add, modify, or remove line color | |[pic] |Formats the selected text with the color you click |[pic] |Changes the thickness of lines | |[pic] |Selects dash style for dashed lines |[pic] |Select arrow style; placement and shape of arrowhead | |[pic] |A pul l down menu offers shadow choices |[pic] |Add 3-d effects to rectangles or ovals | M. MENU 1. File menu |[pic] |New – Opens a new document. If you use the keyboard combination indicated on the right a blank document opens immediately. Selecting the New menu | | |item with your cursor gives the opportunity to open a large number of types of documents. | |Open – Opens a previously saved document. | | |Close – Closes the active document but does not quit the application. | | |Save – Saves the active document with its current file name, location and format. | | |Save As – Saves by opening a window which gives the opportunity to change the file name, location or format. | | |Page Setup – Sets margins, paper size, orientation and other layout options. Grid lines don't show up when you print?Go to the sheet tab in this | | |window | | |Print Preview – Shows how the file will look when you print it. | | |Print – Prints the active file , also gives the opportunity to change print options | | |Exit – Closes Microsoft Excel | 2. Edit menu |Undo – The actual entry of this item will depend on what you did last. In my example I had typed, so that was displayed.This selection can be |[pic] | |repeated several times. | | |Redo – After an action has been undone, it can be reinstated in the document. | | |Cut – Removes the selection from the active document and places it on the clipboard. | | |Copy – Copies the selection to the clipboard, the cell from which information is copied remains highlighted | | |Paste – Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point (cursor) or whatever is selected. | |Paste Special – Ten choices are available when making this selection; examples include pasting formulas, values, and comments. | | |Fill – Fill contents of a selected cell Up, Down, Left or Right | | |Clear – Deletes the selected object or text, but does not place it on the clipboard. Four choices are available; All, Format, Contents or Comments | | |Delete – This menu entry can be used to delete entire rows or columns. | |Find – Searches for specified text in the active document | | |Replace – Searches for and replaces specified text and formatting. | | 3. View menu |[pic] |Normal – The default document view for most word processing tasks. | | |Page Break Preview – Before printing, make sure the page breaks appear where you want them | | |Toolbars – Displays or hides toolbars. The right pointing arrow indicates a list of toolbars. To add one slide down to the name of the toolbar and | | |click to select. | |Formula Bar – Remove or display the bar which displays cell address and data entered into the active cell | | |Header and Footer – Adds or changes the text that is displayed at the top or bottom of every page of the document | | |Comments – Hidden comment give furt her information about cell contents. Comments are displayed when you move the cursor into the cell, however this | | |command causes all comments on a page to be displayed. | | |Full Screen – Hides most screen elements so you can see more of your document | | |Zoom – Controls how large, or small, the current document appears on the screen. | 4. Insert menu [pic] |Cells – Use this command to insert a cell. A pop-up window allows you to move existing data down or to the right. You can also insert rows or columns with | | |this window. | | |Rows – Inserts a new row in the spreadsheet, above the row that contains the active cell. | | |Columns – Inserts a new column in the spreadsheet, to the left of the column that contains the active cell. | | |Worksheet – By default, an Excel workbook is made up of three worksheets. You may insert as many additional sheets as you require.Sheets are inserted in | | |front of the current worksheet. | | |Chart â €“ This adds a chart of the selected data, or of the entire worksheet if you have no data selected. | | |Page Break – Inserts page breaks above and to the left of the active cell. To avoid adding a page break to the left, make sure a cell in Column A is | | |selected before inserting the break. | | |Function – Opens the Paste Function window allowing the selection of a specific equation to go in the active cell. | |Comment- Have something to say about the contents of a cell? Add a small note with the appearance of a Post-It note. | | |Picture – Insert pictures from clip art or a file. You can also insert auto shapes, word art, or a chart. | | |Object – Insert an object such as clip art, word art, an equation or much more. | | |Hyperlink – An interesting use of hyperlinks is to place a link to any document stored on your computer. You can later open that document by clicking on | | |the link.If you want to see an example of an Excel worksheet us ing hyperlinks to Internet sites, download a copy and open it with Excel. | 1. Format menu 2. |Cells – Format the way a number is displayed, alignment of data in the cell(s), font (size, color, style, etc. ), borders and colors for the |[pic] | |selected cells, and you may also lock the contents of a cell here. | | |Row – Specify a row height, choose auto-fit, and hide or un-hide the selected row. | | |Column – Specify a column width, choose auto-fit, hide or un-hide the selected column, or choose the standard width for a column. | |Sheet – Here you can rename the sheet if sheet 1 is not descriptive enough (and it's not), you can hide or un-hide a sheet, or you can tile an | | |image in the background of the entire sheet. | | |Auto Format- There are sixteen pre-designed formats to change the look of your spreadsheet. You may apply the format to the entire sheet or only | | |to selected cells. | | |Style – Opens a Style window which will lead to the Format Cells window if you wish to Modify the format. | | 6. Tools menu [pic] |Spelling†¦ – Check spelling in your document | | |AutoCorrect†¦ – Define, or turn off automatic corrections. If you tend to make a particular keystroke error often, and it is not in the | | |dictionary, you can add it here. | | |Share Workbook†¦ – Choose this option if you want several users to work on the data in the same workbook simultaneously.Make it | | |available on your network and anyone with access can make changes. | | |Protection – You can password protect a single sheet of a workbook, or the entire workbook. One obvious application would be to protect a| | |worksheet which you are using as your grade book. | | |Customize†¦ – Select/Deselect toolbars to be displayed with your workbook, or add buttons to existing toolbars. | | |Options†¦ If you do not like something Excel does automatically, or if you know it should be doing s omething automatically and it is | | |not, this is where you turn those features on or off. One thing I use a lot here is removing gridlines from a worksheet so I can draw a | | |graphic organizer. | N. PRINTING 1. Select the range A2:B6. You want to set this range as the print area. Whenever you print your worksheet, only the contents in the print area will be printed. [pic] 2. From the menu, click File ;; Print Area ;; Set Print Area.A dashed outline appears around the Print Area, as shown below. [pic] Click the print preview button to preview the printout. Only the cells in the print area would be printed. [pic] 3. From the menu, click File ;; Print Area ;; Clear Print Area. If you do not set a print area, the entire worksheet will be printed. O. PAGE SET-UP A. Orientation 1. From the menu, click File ;; Page Setup. Click the Page tab. The Page Setup dialog box appears, as shown below. 2. Under Orientation, click the Landscape option. The default orientation is portrait. [pic] 3. Click the OK button. The orientation of the page is set to landscape (horizontal).B. Scaling 1. From the menu, click File ;; Page Setup. Click the Page tab. Page Setup dialog box appears, as shown below. 2. Under Scaling, in the Adjust to box, type 150. You can click the up arrow in the box to increase the number. [pic] 3. Click the OK button. The size of the printout on the worksheet increases. C. Paper Size 1. From the menu, click File ;; Page Setup. Click the Page tab. Page Setup dialog box appears, as shown below. 2. Click the Paper size drop-down arrow. Click the paper size you want from the list. The number of paper size appears in the list depends on the printer you are using. [pic] 3. Click the OK button.The paper size changes. D. Page Margin 1. From the menu, click File ;; Page Setup. Click the Margins tab. Page Setup dialog box appears, as shown below. 2. In the Top, Left, Right and Bottom boxes, type the margin you want to change. The margin is in inch in this example. [ pic] 3. Click the OK button. The margin is set. P. PRINT PREVIEW 1. From the menu, click File ;; Print Preview. Print Preview window appears. Use the command buttons in the Print Preview window to carry out more actions. [pic] Use the command buttons in the Print Preview window to carry out more actions. Button Action Next Display the next page Previous Displays the previous pageZoom Enlarge / reduce the content in the preview screen Print Print the current selection with printing options Setup Setup the page Margins Display or hides margin handles Page Break PreviewDisplay page break preview for you to adjust the page break Normal View Display in normal view Close Close the print preview window 2. Click the Close button. The preview window closes and returns to the worksheet. [pic][pic] ———————– LECTURE NOTES | COMP1/10 | INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE & CONCEPTS B. A. DE LARA, JR. | CBE – FACULTY | NORTHERN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE | LAOAG CITY |  ©2012 NORTHERN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE â€Å"The Institution for Better Life† Laoag City [pic]

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Modifying the Story Summer Solstice Through the Screenplay...

Modifying the Story Summer Solstice through the Screenplay Entitled â€Å"Tatarin† A Partial Thesis Presented To Mrs. Evelyn S. Agato In Partial Fulfillment of the Subject RD 100 - Research Design Leader Divine Angeline Leaà ±o Members Erinn Chua Jan Erik Miras Jamie Robertson San Juan Clarissa Tan Cherryl Tolentino October 2011 Department of Media Studies College of Arts and Sciences Trinity University of Asia Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to come up with a clear justification on the reasons why screenwriters and filmmakers would modify books. It should be understood that the book and the film are two different subject matters. But the film would not exist without the help of the elements from the†¦show more content†¦The methodologies used in the study were selected to try and come up with the best possible analysis the respondents can provide as to how they understood the works of both Nick Joaquin and Ricky Lee. TITLE OF THE PROBLEM What is the perception of the selected second year college students of TUA on the modifications made by Ricky Lee in Nick Joaquin’s Summer Solstice to his screenplay Tatarin? GENERAL OBJECTIVE To probe on the perception/empathy of selected second year college students of TUA on the modifications made by Ricky Lee in Nick Joaquin’s Summer Solstice to his screenplay Tatarin. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES * To know the reasons why certain parts of the story need to be altered/deleted for the movie. * To know how screenwriters modify the story. * To find out if the modifications improved the film. * SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This research study will encompass a much comprehensive understanding as to how these certain modifications of the base/original narration of story would wholly influence/affect the message of the visual presentation. The group/niche that would principally benefit in this research study would be the following: veteran/would-be film makers, scrupulous/out-of-the-box scriptwriters, explorative/apprentice-leveled Communications students, and passionate instructors. We have chosen these groups of people since these