Thursday, March 12, 2020

three branches of science essays

three branches of science essays Science is such a wide area that it is divided into branches. Biology, chemistry and geology are three of these branches. Each branch of science are very different. They use many of the same techniques in the study of the materials in their area of science, but are very different materials. Biology is the study of life and living things. The French naturalist, Jean Baptiste, introduced the term, biology, in Germany during the 1800s. Biology is also divided into branches. Zoology, botany and anatomy are three of the major branches. Biology studies the life of particular species and their behavior, development and history. What makes biology different from the other branches of science is that it studies living things. Chemistry is the branch of science dealing with the properties, composition and structure of substances and the changes they undergo when they combine or react under specific conditions. Chemistry deals mainly with components of material origin. Organic chemistry is the only branch of chemistry defined as the study of substances produced by living organisms. Physical chemistry is concerned with the physical properties of materials. Chemistry deals with the states of matter. Through experimentation a chemist defines a material by how it reacts under many different situations and how it reacts to other materials. From the earliest recorded times, humans have observed chemical changes and have speculated at their possible causes. By following the history of these observations and speculations the gradual evolution of the ideas and concepts that have led to the modern science of chemistry can be traced. In recent times, a great deal of research has been at the atomic and molecular levels. The study of their reactive characteristics has led to great advances in the us ...